Why the ST 600 is the most versatile Stabilizing and milling attachment available • Solid and Robust 1” thick frame. • The ST600 has superior level/depth control due to the direct skid design. • The ST 600 level control is independent to the angle of the skid steer therefore accurate levels can be achieved. • The St 600 has fluid ports on board that can be used to spray stabilizer fluid/binder directly into the cutter box. • The St 600 is over engineered and is extremely robust. • There are very few spare parts required for attachments. • Our ST series machines use direct hydraulic drive and do not use gearboxes or chains or any other forms of transferring power that can add to maintenance or reliability problems. • Our machines are user friendly and easy to operate. • The ST 600 has a quick change tooling system that is commonly used in the industry |