Vinyl Tile Removal
Schibeci's Power Grinder 7500 with Schibeci's unique Vinyl Tile Removal tools is a productive and inexpensive way to remove Vinyl Tiles. Depending on the age and hardness of the vinyl tiles, the 7500 shreds or peels them from the substrate. The Vinyl Tile Tools also remove a majority of the vinyl tile glue, leaving minimal prep work with diamonds or carborundum for the reapplication of other products.
The Power Grinder 7500 is also used to Grind or Grind or Polish glues, motars, epoxies, resins and concrete surfaces, simply by changing from the Vinyl Tile Tools to either Diamonds or Carborundum.
The Power Grinder 7500 is also used to Grind or Grind or Polish glues, motars, epoxies, resins and concrete surfaces, simply by changing from the Vinyl Tile Tools to either Diamonds or Carborundum.